PT Home Credit Indonesia
Home Credit Group is one of the largest European financial group and has just launched its business in Indonesia. Home Credit Group operates in 11 countries across Europe, Asia, and America and is a market leader in most of the countries it operates in the field of banking and consumer finance.
PT Home Credit Indonesia has biggest intention in developing and improving the employee welfare by providing an attractive income package and an exciting bonus package to recognize best performance. We also offer international exposure in training and career opportunities which may lead to management positions within the group in the future.
- Utilize all channels to advertise vacancies of Sales mass position.
- Update advertisement on a regular basis.
- Call candidates to come for interview.
- Conduct interview.
- Build and maintain relationship with 3rd parties for source channeling (schools, communities, etc).
- Search for related Job Fair events.
- Participate in Job Fair.
- Make calls and interview reports on regular basis.
- Bachelor degree.
- Experienced in recruitment for a minimum of 2 years.
- Good interviewing skills, knowledge of social media, communication skills, and presentation skills.
- Able to work in a high pace working environment.
- Good English ability, verbal and written.
Part Time
Jobdesc :
- Mengunjungi counter Home Credit Indonesia sesuai surat tugas
- Melakukan pengecekan aktivitas di counter Home Credit Indonesia
- Melakukan & menyimpan dokumentasi hasil kunjungan
- Membuat laporan aktivitas kunjungan
- Berusia diantara 21-50 tahun.
- Tingkat pendidikan minimal lulusan SMA/SMK, Sarjana, Diploma, atau sederajat.
- Bekerja di hari kerja dan hari libur dengan jam kerja yang fleksibel.
- Memiliki komunikasi yang bagus, energik, kreatif dan menyukai pekerjaan lapangan.
- Bersedia bekerja di area yang ditugaskan dari perusahaan.
- Memiliki smartphone dengan kamera minimal 2 MP.
- Memiliki daya analisa yang bagus dan menyukai tantangan.
- Memiliki kemampuan computer minimal MS Excel dan MS Word.
- Memiliki basic internet dan mampu bekerja dengan membuka, membaca, membuat serta mengirimkan email.
- Memiliki kenderaan roda dua atau roda empat (lebih diutamakan) dengan SIM aktif.
We don't just work, but we make our work fun and enjoyable. There are lots of other activities that we do, such as outing, party, social activities, and others. So APPLY NOW ! before close 29 March 2017.
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